Non-linearity in R

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan

Natural Cubic Splines

  • Variables you would like to fit using a natural (restricted) cubic spline can be set using the step_ns() function in your recipe
  • By default, this will create a natural spline with two degrees of freedom (in other words, a spline with three knots: 2 boundary knots and one internal knot)
  • Behind the scenes, this is using the splines::ns function

Natural Cubic Splines Example

The dataset consists of different biomass fuels characterized by the amount of certain molecules and the corresponding “higher heating value” (HHV). We are going to try to predict HHV based on the quantity 5 molecules.


rec_splines <- recipe(
  HHV ~ carbon + hydrogen + oxygen + nitrogen + sulfur, 
  data = biomass) |>
  step_ns(carbon, hydrogen)

Natural Cubic Splines Example

expanded_biomass <- prep(rec_splines, biomass) |>

# A tibble: 536 × 8
   oxygen nitrogen sulfur   HHV carbon_ns_1 carbon_ns_2 hydrogen_ns_1 hydrogen…¹
    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>
 1   42.9     0.41   0     20.0       0.549      -0.220         0.561     -0.220
 2   41.3     0.2    0     19.2       0.547      -0.222         0.564     -0.216
 3   46.2     0.11   0.02  18.3       0.536      -0.231         0.567     -0.210
 4   35.6     3.3    0.16  18.2       0.512      -0.239         0.530     -0.248
 5   40.7     1      0.02  18.4       0.527      -0.235         0.552     -0.233
 6   40.2     2.04   0.1   18.5       0.515      -0.238         0.565     -0.213
 7   38.2     2.68   0.2   18.7       0.530      -0.233         0.572     -0.196
 8   39.7     1.7    0.2   18.3       0.518      -0.238         0.564     -0.216
 9   40.9     0.8    0     18.6       0.543      -0.226         0.556     -0.228
10   40       1.2    0.1   18.9       0.530      -0.234         0.569     -0.203
# … with 526 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹​hydrogen_ns_2

Natural Cubic Splines Example

Let’s increase the degree of the spline


rec_splines <- recipe(
  HHV ~ carbon + hydrogen + oxygen + nitrogen + sulfur, 
  data = biomass) |>
  step_ns(carbon, hydrogen, 
          deg_free = 3)

expanded_biomass <- prep(rec_splines, biomass) |>

# A tibble: 536 × 10
   oxygen nitrogen sulfur   HHV carbon…¹ carbo…² carbo…³ hydro…⁴ hydro…⁵ hydro…⁶
    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1   42.9     0.41   0     20.0   0.221    0.536  -0.272  0.228    0.534  -0.279
 2   41.3     0.2    0     19.2   0.210    0.540  -0.275  0.245    0.528  -0.275
 3   46.2     0.11   0.02  18.3   0.144    0.564  -0.290  0.274    0.518  -0.269
 4   35.6     3.3    0.16  18.2   0.0361   0.597  -0.308  0.0529   0.582  -0.304
 5   40.7     1      0.02  18.4   0.101    0.579  -0.298  0.159    0.556  -0.291
 6   40.2     2.04   0.1   18.5   0.0472   0.595  -0.307  0.260    0.523  -0.272
 7   38.2     2.68   0.2   18.7   0.118    0.573  -0.296  0.325    0.499  -0.256
 8   39.7     1.7    0.2   18.3   0.0586   0.591  -0.305  0.245    0.528  -0.275
 9   40.9     0.8    0     18.6   0.183    0.550  -0.282  0.187    0.547  -0.286
10   40       1.2    0.1   18.9   0.115    0.574  -0.296  0.302    0.508  -0.262
# … with 526 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​carbon_ns_1,
#   ²​carbon_ns_2, ³​carbon_ns_3, ⁴​hydrogen_ns_1, ⁵​hydrogen_ns_2, ⁶​hydrogen_ns_3

What is happening behind the scenes?

  • The default “boundary knots” are the extremes of the data

For a natural cubic spline, what happens beyond the “boundary knots”?

What is happening behind the scenes?

The default interior knots are set as follows:

deg_free # of interior knots quantile
2 1 50%
3 2 33.3%, 66.7%
4 3 25%, 50%, 75%
5 4 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%
6 5 16.7%, 33.3%, 50%, 66.7%, 83.3%

Natural Cubic Splines Example

wf <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(rec_splines) |>

fit_splines <- fit(wf, data = biomass)

# A tibble: 10 × 5
   term          estimate std.error statistic   p.value
   <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 (Intercept)     8.30     0.890       9.32  3.07e- 19
 2 oxygen          0.0252   0.00919     2.74  6.39e-  3
 3 nitrogen        0.0307   0.0558      0.550 5.82e-  1
 4 sulfur          0.251    0.134       1.87  6.14e-  2
 5 carbon_ns_1    14.1      0.546      25.8   1.51e- 95
 6 carbon_ns_2    19.8      1.54       12.9   2.97e- 33
 7 carbon_ns_3    23.9      0.721      33.2   2.67e-131
 8 hydrogen_ns_1   1.84     0.519       3.54  4.36e-  4
 9 hydrogen_ns_2   7.70     1.30        5.91  6.01e-  9
10 hydrogen_ns_3   4.04     1.26        3.21  1.43e-  3

Natural Cubic Splines Example


splines_explainer <- explain_tidymodels(
  data = dplyr::select(biomass, -HHV),
  y = biomass$HHV,
  verbose = FALSE

carbon_profile <- model_profile(
  variables = "carbon"

Aside: ggplot2 helper function

You don’t need to know what is going on here and I will provide this for your labs!

ggplot_pdp <- function(obj, x) {
  p <- 
    as_tibble(obj$agr_profiles) %>%
    mutate(`_label_` = stringr::str_remove(`_label_`, "^[^_]*_")) %>%
    ggplot(aes(`_x_`, `_yhat_`)) +
    geom_line(data = as_tibble(obj$cp_profiles),
              aes(x = {{ x }}, group = `_ids_`),
              linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 0.05, color = "gray50")
  num_colors <- n_distinct(obj$agr_profiles$`_label_`)
  if (num_colors > 1) {
    p <- p + geom_line(aes(color = `_label_`), linewidth = 1.2, alpha = 0.8)
  } else {
    p <- p + geom_line(color = "cornflower blue", linewidth = 1.2, alpha = 0.8)

Natural Cubic Splines Example

ggplot_pdp(carbon_profile, carbon) + 
  labs(x = "Carbon",
       y = "Average Predicted HHV",
       title = "Partial Dependence Profile")

Natural Cubic Splines Example

hydrogen_profile <- model_profile(
  variables = "hydrogen"

ggplot_pdp(hydrogen_profile, hydrogen) + 
  labs(x = "Hydrogen",
       y = "Average Predicted HHV",
       title = "Partial Dependence Profile")

Natural Cubic Splines Example

oxygen_profile <- model_profile(
  variables = "oxygen"

ggplot_pdp(oxygen_profile, oxygen) + 
  labs(x = "Oxygen",
       y = "Average Predicted HHV",
       title = "Partial Dependence Profile")

A bit more on the “workflow”

  • The workflow() allows us to iteratively update our model without having to change the recipe after tuning.
  • We can use a few helper functions: select_best and finalize_workflow

A bit more on the “workflow”

recipe_splines <- recipe(
  HHV ~ carbon + hydrogen + oxygen + nitrogen + sulfur, 
  data = biomass) |>
  step_ns(carbon, hydrogen, deg_free = tune())

splines_wf <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(recipe_splines) |>

cv <- vfold_cv(biomass)

splines_tuned <- tune_grid(

show_best(splines_tuned, "rmse")
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  deg_free .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config             
     <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>               
1        1 rmse    standard    1.41    10   0.183 Preprocessor1_Model1
2        3 rmse    standard    1.42    10   0.184 Preprocessor4_Model1
3        4 rmse    standard    1.46    10   0.202 Preprocessor9_Model1
4        6 rmse    standard    1.48    10   0.211 Preprocessor3_Model1
5        9 rmse    standard    1.48    10   0.219 Preprocessor8_Model1

How many degrees of freedom does the best model have?

A bit more on the “workflow”

best_params <- select_best(splines_tuned, "rmse")

splines_wf_final <- splines_wf |>

final_fit <- fit(splines_wf_final,
                 data = biomass)

final_explainer <- explain_tidymodels(
  data = dplyr::select(biomass, -HHV),
  y = biomass$HHV,
  verbose = FALSE

carbon_profile <- model_profile(
  variables = "carbon"

A bit more on the “workflow”

ggplot_pdp(carbon_profile, carbon) + 
  labs(x = "Carbon",
       y = "Average Predicted HHV",
       title = "Partial Dependence Profile")